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National Careers Week 2020

Careers, NCW, National Careers Week...

This week is National Careers Week, a celebration of careers guidance and resources available to young people in education in the UK.

NCW aims to provide careers advice at a particularly important stage in students' lives - leaving education and going into full-time or part-time work. It's imperative to link education and employment to give students more of an insight into the world of work.

Although some students know what career path they want to take, there are many who are undecided and events like National Careers Week are here to provide them with all the information they need with regards to their future.

Here at Bridge Recruitment, we think that encouraging young people to consider all career possibilities is extremely important. This is one reason why we feel so strongly about the 'Working with Schools' initiative, visiting Highams Park School to speak with the students and prepare them for the working world. We think its important that students are aware of the endless opportunities available to them not only in the FM industry, but all over.

National Careers Week is an annual event, and one which can play a vital part in students' lives, especially if they are unsure about which career path to take. It's important to give students a better understanding of the choices they have with regards to leaving full-time education and here at Bridge, we think it's a great chance for schools to open young peoples' minds to all possibilities.