Bridge Recruitment - Trailblazer's Update!
Bridge have collaborated with Trailblazers for a while now, helping some of the mentees they work with, to find employment when they leave prison.
Following the success of our FM Comedy Night, we have continued to work with this fantastic charity, who help those young offenders build a better life for themselves after leaving prison, encouraging them to make a positive change to society and helping them to make better choices for their lives.
Michelle Brightly and Leanne Heerey met the Senior Team a couple of weeks ago to discuss our support strategy for helping both mentors and mentees achieve their goals.
To start with and with the support of Trailblazers, Bridge Recruitment are bringing an event for National Careers Week to Brixton Prison, a first for the prison! More will follow on this in March.
Bridge Recruitment are committed to raising the profile of the Facilities Management industry and by supporting those at entry level, we know we can make a difference.
“Bridge Recruitment are so excited to drive this initiative into Brixton Prison. As part of the rehabilitation process, Prisoners are supported to maintain and develop relationships with their family and friends, they are helped to reduce their likelihood of reoffending. There is a focus for Prisoners to be prepared for their release back into the community. Due to a lack of funding, the support system struggles to deliver this effectively and that is why help is needed to help Offenders look ahead and plan for their future. With Speakers visiting the prison and giving insight on how start a business, consider apprenticeships, and receive on the job training, this experience will be so incredibly helpful.”