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Bridge Comedy Confirmed Comedians

Our Final Line-Up!

The Comedy Store London, Line Up, Comedians...

So, there we have it! Our full line-up has been finalised and confirmed and we hope you’re just as excited as we are for November 16th!

After anticipating it for so long, we can’t believe it’s just a few weeks away, and with a fantastic array of well-known and respected comedians we are already counting down the days.

Please give a warm welcome to Ian Stone, Ben Norris, Ninia Benjamin, Jeff Innocent, Marlon Davis, Rich Wilson and last but by no means least, our compere for the evening, Alistair Barrie!

With our wonderful sponsors, our chosen charity Trailblazers, our host of comedians and some impressive raffle prizes to be won, missing this event should not be an option! It will be such a great opportunity to network, catch-up with old and meet with new connections whilst contributing towards a great cause!

Oh, and let’s not forget, thanks to Cleanology's amazing contribution, there will be free drinks!

Click here to book your tickets, we can’t wait to see you there!