World Online Networking Day 2021
Friday is World Online Networking Day, a day that is celebrated annually but may seem more important than ever this year.
With the pandemic halting regular events and get togethers, many of us have taken to attending conferences virtually, team meetings have been organised on Zoom and interviews have been done through a computer screen. Zoom was a fast favourite but there were plenty of other resources in tow such as Google Meets and Microsoft Teams to name a few.
That’s not all though. It’s also affected us outside of work, and social media has played a huge part in keeping us connected with family and friends. The way we can communicate with people, regardless of where they are in the world is truly amazing, and the last 18 months has really bought to our attention how great it is.
Each year, World Online Networking Day aims to do several things:
- Celebrate the communication of people all over the world by networking online
- Shine a light on how important online networking is, especially in our current climate
- Acknowledge organisers of online networking groups and those who participate in them, making it easier for us to stay connected
Without technology, you wouldn’t even be reading this post right now. The ways in which we use the Internet are improving all the time and are a true testament to how far we’ve come with regards to technology.