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Life after a Pandemic - how will Coronavirus affect our Future?

Pandemic, Coronavirus, Recruitment...

At this moment in time, it's hard to imagine what our post-pandemic world will look like. Since the first cases of Coronavirus emerged in the UK at the end of January, millions of people have been affected in one way or another in just a few short months.

As well as sadly claiming the lives of over 17,000 Brits, the virus has also had an effect on our livelihood. It has taken away our freedom, and seen companies plummet into administration, leaving employees either furloughed or made redundant.

In terms of recruitment companies, it goes without saying that Covid-19 has left some huge gaps in the industry, but can't we fill those gaps and turn them into new opportunities? Rather than surrender at the first sign of danger, wouldn't it be more beneficial to take this threat and use it as a stepping stone onto bigger and better things?

As mentioned by the REC, "Recruiters have a crucial role now in supporting the responding industries and will have an equally critical role in helping to rebuild the economy when the Coronavirus crisis is over." This pandemic has torn our economy apart, and all eyes will be on recruitment companies to help get it back on its feet again - the industry will be relied on more than ever before.

If there's one thing we can agree on, it's that these current unprecedented times (how many times has that phrase been thrown around lately?) are very scary and not knowing what is going to happen is quite unsettling. But it is important to know that this is temporary, and as a nation we'll pull together and get through the other side.

After all, people are always going to look to recruitment companies, pandemic or no pandemic.