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Wellbeing and Mindfulness

Wellbeing and Mindfulness

Wednesday, 7 November 2018

| 8:00 to 18:00

Work-life integration is key – it’s not about trying to split one or the other but being in a job/ company you love that matches your values and respects the little or regular time you do wish to be away. 

Mindfulness is becoming more popular in the world of employee wellness and is a key factor within the workplace. 

Many employers are now embracing mental resilience and mindfulness education as a part of their workplace wellness programs.

At this seminar, you will learn how to incorporate wellbeing practices into your business using Mindfulness. A leading business psychologist will show you:

  • Specifics of how it works
  • Principle benefits
  • Tips on how to implement mindfulness into the workspace

You’ll also observe real-life results of a happy and engaged workforce at Moneypenny’s HQ, and how – through ensuring the well-being of its employees – it became a Sunday Times Top 5 Best Company to Work For.

Book your tickets here.